Last #NPSF this decade. Made it to (most of?) the bounce & the entire workout. Dolores Park in the dark, downtown lights, the glow of dawn’s break(1). One @Nov_Project_SF workout station required planking until the next person got there, ~5.5 minutes for me, then taking a #selfie with everyone like @TheEllenShow’s at the 2014 #Oscars ( except with everyone else planking(2).
Slowly the clear sky lightened, an orange band on the horizon backlighting the trees under a medium blue glow(3). It was quite light out by the time we finished and took the group photo(4 📷 @TonyD256). Must be the holidays because we took over and re-arranged literally every table for the larger than normal breakfastclub attendance. Tony took a great selfie of us(5 📷 @TonyD256).
Super grateful for the #NovemberProjectSF community. Sweating it out with positive people while waking up with the #sunrise #outdoors is such a great start to the day. Especially helpful in weathering this year’s ups & downs. Thank you NPSF leadership for all that you do.
#NovemberProject #grateful #wakeUpTheSun #fromWhereIRun #dawn #sunrise #gradient #clearsky #deepbluesky #optoutside #DoloresPark #SanFrancisco #freefitness #plank #planking #run #runner #runners #nofilter